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Accepted project, starting January 1st, 2025.


Profiling User Belief in BI Exploration for Measuring Subjective Interestingness

Published in In the proceedings of Proceedings of the 21st International Workshop on Design, Optimization, Languages and Analytical Processing of Big Data, co-located with EDBT/ICDT Joint Conference, DOLAP@EDBT/ICDT 2019, Lisbon, Portugal, March 26, 2019, 2019

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Recommended citation: Alexandre Chanson, Ben Crulis, Krista Drushku, Nicolas Labroche, Patrick Marcel, "Profiling User Belief in BI Exploration for Measuring Subjective Interestingness." In the proceedings of Proceedings of the 21st International Workshop on Design, Optimization, Languages and Analytical Processing of Big Data, co-located with EDBT/ICDT Joint Conference, DOLAP@EDBT/ICDT 2019, Lisbon, Portugal, March 26, 2019, 2019.
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Learning Analysis Patterns using a Contextual Edit Distance

Published in In the proceedings of Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Design, Optimization, Languages and Analytical Processing of Big Data co-located with EDBT/ICDT 2020 Joint Conference, DOLAP@EDBT/ICDT 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, March 30, 2020, 2020

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Recommended citation: Cl{\'{e}}ment Moreau, Ver{\'{o}}nika Peralta, Patrick Marcel, Alexandre Chanson, Thomas Devogele, "Learning Analysis Patterns using a Contextual Edit Distance." In the proceedings of Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Design, Optimization, Languages and Analytical Processing of Big Data co-located with EDBT/ICDT 2020 Joint Conference, DOLAP@EDBT/ICDT 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, March 30, 2020, 2020.
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The Traveling Analyst Problem: Definition and Preliminary Study

Published in In the proceedings of Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Design, Optimization, Languages and Analytical Processing of Big Data co-located with EDBT/ICDT 2020 Joint Conference, DOLAP@EDBT/ICDT 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, March 30, 2020, 2020

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Recommended citation: Alexandre Chanson, Ben Crulis, Nicolas Labroche, Patrick Marcel, Ver{\'{o}}nika Peralta, Stefano Rizzi, Panos Vassiliadis, "The Traveling Analyst Problem: Definition and Preliminary Study." In the proceedings of Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Design, Optimization, Languages and Analytical Processing of Big Data co-located with EDBT/ICDT 2020 Joint Conference, DOLAP@EDBT/ICDT 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, March 30, 2020, 2020.
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A Chain Composite Item Recommender for Lifelong Pathways

Published in In the proceedings of Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery - 23rd International Conference, DaWaK 2021, Virtual Event, September 27-30, 2021, Proceedings, 2021

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Recommended citation: Alexandre Chanson, Thomas Devogele, Nicolas Labroche, Patrick Marcel, Nicolas Ringuet, Vincent T'kindt, "A Chain Composite Item Recommender for Lifelong Pathways." In the proceedings of Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery - 23rd International Conference, DaWaK 2021, Virtual Event, September 27-30, 2021, Proceedings, 2021.
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Clustering sequences of multi-dimensional sets of semantic elements

Published in In the proceedings of SAC '21: The 36th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, Virtual Event, Republic of Korea, March 22-26, 2021, 2021

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Recommended citation: Clement Moreau, Alexandre Chanson, Ver{\'{o}}nika Peralta, Thomas Devogele, Cyril Runz, "Clustering sequences of multi-dimensional sets of semantic elements." In the proceedings of SAC '21: The 36th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, Virtual Event, Republic of Korea, March 22-26, 2021, 2021.
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Towards Local Post-hoc Recommender Systems Explanations

Published in In the proceedings of Proceedings of the 23rd International Workshop on Design, Optimization, Languages and Analytical Processing of Big Data (DOLAP) co-located with the 24th International Conference on Extending Database Technology and the 24th International Conference on Database Theory (EDBT/ICDT 2021), Nicosia, Cyprus, March 23, 2021, 2021

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Recommended citation: Alexandre Chanson, Nicolas Labroche, Willeme Verdeaux, "Towards Local Post-hoc Recommender Systems Explanations." In the proceedings of Proceedings of the 23rd International Workshop on Design, Optimization, Languages and Analytical Processing of Big Data (DOLAP) co-located with the 24th International Conference on Extending Database Technology and the 24th International Conference on Database Theory (EDBT/ICDT 2021), Nicosia, Cyprus, March 23, 2021, 2021.
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Automatic generation of comparison notebooks for interactive data exploration

Published in In the proceedings of Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, EDBT 2022, Edinburgh, UK, March 29 - April 1, 2022, 2022

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Recommended citation: Alexandre Chanson, Nicolas Labroche, Patrick Marcel, Stefano Rizzi, Vincent T'kindt, "Automatic generation of comparison notebooks for interactive data exploration." In the proceedings of Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, EDBT 2022, Edinburgh, UK, March 29 - April 1, 2022, 2022.
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Generating Personalized Data Narrations from EDA Notebooks

Published in In the proceedings of Proceedings of the 24th International Workshop on Design, Optimization, Languages and Analytical Processing of Big Data (DOLAP) co-located with the 25th International Conference on Extending Database Technology and the 25th International Conference on Database Theory (EDBT/ICDT 2022), Edinburgh, UK, March 29, 2022, 2022

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Recommended citation: Alexandre Chanson, Faten Outa, Nicolas Labroche, Patrick Marcel, Ver{\'{o}}nika Peralta, Willeme Verdeaux, Lucile Jacquemart, "Generating Personalized Data Narrations from EDA Notebooks." In the proceedings of Proceedings of the 24th International Workshop on Design, Optimization, Languages and Analytical Processing of Big Data (DOLAP) co-located with the 25th International Conference on Extending Database Technology and the 25th International Conference on Database Theory (EDBT/ICDT 2022), Edinburgh, UK, March 29, 2022, 2022.
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Pairwise Loss Regularization for Recommendations Explanation

Published in In the proceedings of Proceedings of the 25th International Workshop on Design, Optimization, Languages and Analytical Processing of Big Data (DOLAP) co-located with the 26th International Conference on Extending Database Technology and the 26th International Conference on Database Theory (EDBT/ICDT 2023), Ioannina, Greece, March 28, 2023, 2023

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Recommended citation: Alexandre Chanson, Nicolas Labroche, Patrick Marcel, Willeme Verdeaux, "Pairwise Loss Regularization for Recommendations Explanation." In the proceedings of Proceedings of the 25th International Workshop on Design, Optimization, Languages and Analytical Processing of Big Data (DOLAP) co-located with the 26th International Conference on Extending Database Technology and the 26th International Conference on Database Theory (EDBT/ICDT 2023), Ioannina, Greece, March 28, 2023, 2023.
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Fondement des Bases de données (Databases fundamentals)

Graduate course, University of Tours, Master BDMA, 2023

Study the logical properties of relational database languages. Understand the various classes of queries along with their complexity and properties. Understand the underlying structures and mechanisms used by database engines (indexes, data organization, transaction)

Algorithmique avancée : structures de données (Algorithms : data structures)

Undergraduate course, University of Tours, C.S. Bachelor, 2024

Comprendre les structures de données récursives que sont les listes chaînées, les piles, les files ainsi que les arbres binaires et généraux. Savoir travailler avec ces structures selon les paradigmes fonctionnels (révisions de L1) ou impératifs en utilisant explicitement les pointeurs. Savoir mettre en œuvre les principaux algorithmes de parcours, de recherche d’information et de tris de ces structures. Comprendre les notions fondamentales de complexité et savoir estimer une complexité approchée et l’écrire en suivant la notation de Landau.

DB modeling and querying essentials

Graduate course, University of Tours, Master DS4SC, 2024

Study the logical properties of relational database languages. Understand the various classes of queries along with their complexity and properties. Understand the underlying structures and mechanisms used by database engines (indexes, data organization, transaction)